On 19/09/2019, Ms. Buawlond Vongdalasan, Governor of Chanthabuly District, Vientiane Capital and the team visited and visited the construction progress of the Lao Konsin International Tower Building project, which is located in the center of the capital, Ban Hadsdy Village. Mr. Asue Konsin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Laos Konsin International Group Co., Ltd. and the warm reception of the team.

Chairman Asue Konsin reported the situation to the county magistrate. Since the start of construction in March 2019, six months have been completed, which is equal to 60% of the project. It is expected to be completed in March 2020 and will be activated as planned. The functions of the project are: parking lots, shops, office rentals or sales, which are the central areas for centralized trading of various goods. At the same time, Chairman Asue Konsin expressed his great pleasure in the visit and inspection of the country magistrate and the team, and wished everyone good health.

The Governor of Chanthabuly District congratulated the rapid progress of the project. The government has been supporting, promoting and attaching great importance to the progress of the project. After completion, the economy of the capital city of Vientiane has been further developed, and at the same time, the capital city of Vientiane Adding beauty and prosperity.