On 20th October 2023, in accordance with the agreement of General Vilay LAKHAMFONG, the minister of Ministry of Public Security approved General Logistic Department on behalf of Ministry of Public Security and the Kongsin Group Companies signed  (MOU) program to install GPS on vehicles together through research studies that such projects are necessary and feasibility.

At the ceremony, Mr.Phouthone PHONPHOSYLAHONG, Director General of Economic Department said that in the past, the Ministry of Defense had taken care and recognized that the importance of the project would be stable for the country and the safety of the people's vehicles, so it would try to operate and organize the cards quickly according to the procedure.

The signing of this agreement was attended by  BG Thongsouk YAERLAOLY, Director General of General Logistic Department, BG Noujohn KHONETHONGDAM, deputy  director general of General Logistic Department.

The staff differences come from the parties, Mr. Asue KONGSIN, the Director General of the Lao International Kongsin Group Companyies, attended the meeting. And the meeting has completed successful.