We believe in honesty, diligence, responsibility, endurance and non-stop development

Since Lao Konsin International Group Company Limited and its branches were established, we always uphold honesty, diligence, responsibility, endurance, development and improvement. We particularly uphold our services for community and customers as our main principle. We also ensure quality of management, safety and advanced technology for improving company group gradually. We provide services with honesty and for the best interest of customers and community to achieve our goals.



Lao Konsin International Group will intensively maintain our strength and quality in our business. Advance, reform, develop and strengthen our company group to be globally trustworthy and be proud by Lao people

I am as a chairman of company group has been managing Lao Konsin International Group and all the branches for many years. I work with confidence and follow the ideal plan to achieve the goals. I believe the words “no opportunity, seek opportunity, having opportunity, secure it and develop to reach the achievement”. I strongly believe that with every persistent effort, it will bring our company group to international level.